Lawson Chiropractic & Natural Health Center
Dr. Richard Lawson

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What Patients are Saying About Our Practice…

I am always satisfied with the professionalism and the positive attitude of Dr. Lawson and his staff. He is excellent at what he does!

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Louann C.

Dr. Lawson is a professional and compassionate doctor who offers a variety of services. He put me on the road to recovery and I highly recommend him.

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Erin R.

What an amazing!!! Team of professionals…. Team Lawson … They give you chiropractic help and nutrition knowledge !!!! THANKS!!!!

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Barbara C.


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Driton S.

Gentle but extremely effective treatment.

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John B.

Awesome Doctor Lawson has ‘straightened’ me out on a few occasions when my back ‘went out’. I remember barely walking in the office door a few times, clinging bent over, holding onto the chair rail along the wall. By the time I left the office, a half hour or so, I was upright (and right back to work of course) and pain free! This Doctor and his staff are wonderful  Upon each return I was met with happy smiles and kind service from his staff…always a pleasant and worth-while experience!

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Lori S.

I had a limp do to a accident. Thanks to Dr.Lawson not anymore and I can wear heels again. Love them

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Tatz M.
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